Best lighting for Zoom Calls – 5 Zoom Meeting Lighting Kits

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Zoom video conferencing is a great way to communicate with remote teams and clients. And while it’s easy to get started, the best light for Zoom meetings can be hard to find. That’s why we put together this list of five kits that will help you optimize your meetings so they’re as productive as possible.

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What is the best lighting for Zoom calls?

The best lighting for Zoom video calls should be consistent and even, avoiding any shadows or reflections from too much light that may hinder the clarity of your meeting. To achieve optimal lighting in any space, a combination of soft lights with adjustable brightness settings is essential. Traditional overhead and desk lamps will not do the job nearly as well, so consider other options for your video lighting needs.

No matter what type of room you have to work with, there’s a light kit out there designed specifically for video conferencing. From flexible clip-on models to ones made from bendable aluminum rods, here are five of our favorites.

Zoom meeting lighting for video calls

Zoom or YouTube are popular video conferencing services that allow you to hold meetings with anyone, anywhere. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to find the best lighting for Zoom meetings.

But don’t worry, we’ve done all of the hard work by researching and testing five different light kits designed specifically for Zoom meetings or conferencing, or YouTube videos. Each one was tested in a variety of different room types and light conditions to see which one came out on top.

Zoom Meeting Lighting Kits Reviews

Don’t let poor room conditions get in the way of productive Zoom meetings ever again with these five light kits for remote work meetings.

Best video conference lighting kit for Zoom calls – Flexible clip-on models

Best video conference lighting for Zoom calls – Aluminum bendable rods

Best video conference lighting for Zoom calls – Battery operated kits

Best video conference lighting for Zoom calls – Large soft-box models

Best Ring Lights for Video Conferencing

Ring lights are the best light for Zoom meetings or video conferencing because they provide a lot of light that is evenly dispersed, without any shadows or reflections. Simply set one ring light with LED lights on either side of you and you should be good to go. Adjust color temperature or adjustable brightness before a Zoom video call. There are many models on the market, but here are five of our top best ring light picks for good lighting for your next Zoom call.


Here are five Zoom lighting kits that will help you look your best and optimize your meetings for the best possible clarity. They come in a wide range of designs and price points to suit just about every need imaginable. No matter what type of kit you need, there’s a solution out there.

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If you’re looking for a way to make your video conferences or meetings more successful, consider one of these five lighting kits. They come in different designs and price points so there’s something for everyone! No matter what type of kit you need, we’ve got the perfect solution out there waiting for you.

Check the lighting setup kits out here by reading our reviews today – they’re sure to help give your next live-streaming meeting that extra edge it needs!


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Should I use a ring light for Zoom?

Light is absolutely critical for any videoconferencing endeavor. Depending on where you’re placing your camera and what you’re expecting to see, there are different light sources that will do the trick.
If you want people to be seen clearly with minimal shadows or glare, everything from viewers at home to participants in the meeting room alike should appear crisp, clear, and well-lit.
Choosing the proper lighting is important for anyone doing video editing–creating the right ambiance enhances every detail of your subject without detracting from it (think of how washing a pitcher can make water droplets stand out).
You may want to use a ring light if these aspects of your videoconferencing needs match:
Your camera is set in a location that gets minimal lighting, such as on the ceiling or in an alcove.
You’re doing your recording near windows and would like to minimize glare from natural bright light sources.
You should not use a ring light if:
You will be sharing documents/slides with your audience.
You want to have a more professional atmosphere that doesn’t come off as overly artistic or DIY.
If you’d like an easy way of creating the proper light for your video conference, consider purchasing a ring light today. Our reviews will help you find the perfect model! No matter what sort of videoconferencing you’re doing, a ring light is sure to make everything better.

What I should do if my camera isn’t placed well for the best lighting?

It’s absolutely critical that you have the proper lighting when using video conferencing equipment such as Zoom or Skype. If your camera doesn’t get enough of it, people will be hard to see or there will be weird shadows. You might even find yourself in a situation where your equipment is too bright, causing distractions and eye strain for everyone involved.
At the end of the day, it’s important for everyone involved to be able to see as well as possible during every meeting–no matter what type of equipment you use or where you place your camera. Whether you’re doing Zoom or Skype, these meeting kits will suit just about any video conferencing need you could possibly have!

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Why do meetings need different types of light to be productive?

While many people may not think about it, lighting is one of the most important factors when holding an effective meeting. If there are too many dark areas in the room, your meeting may be uncomfortable or distracting for others. If there are too many bright areas, you could end up with squinting, eye strain, or distractions from glare. The best meetings have a variety of soft lamplight and natural warm light to keep everyone comfortable.
If I want to have a more professional atmosphere that doesn’t come off as overly artistic or DIY
One of the first things that people notice about videoconferencing setups is how they look. If you’re setting up a space for business purposes but still want it to be aesthetically pleasing, you’ll want to go with a more professional model. A ring light is perfect for this–it doesn’t look like it was created in your home! They’re also great if you want to create an artistic atmosphere that’s sure to stand out (in a good way).

How do I set up a home office for video conferencing?

How do I set up a home office for video conferencing?

I don’t know how lighting works in a video conference

Lighting is one of the most important factors when holding an effective meeting. If there are too many dark areas in the room, your meeting may be uncomfortable or distracting for others. If there are too many bright areas, you could end up with squinting, eye strain, or distractions from glare. The best meetings have a variety of soft lamplight and natural light to keep everyone comfortable.

I want a simple backdrop for my video conference

One of the first things that people notice about videoconferencing setups is how they look. If you’re setting up a space for business purposes but still want it to be aesthetically pleasing, you’ll want to go with a more professional model. A ring light is perfect for this–it doesn’t look like it was created in your home! They’re also great if you want to create an artistic atmosphere that’s sure to stand out (in a good way).

I don’t know the difference between backdrops and lighting kits

Backdrops and video conferencing light kits can be confusing. The best way to figure out what you need is by considering the type of meeting that you’re having, where it will take place, and how many people plan on participating in it.

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If I want to conduct Zoom calls with multiple people

When it comes to establishing a nice home office for videoconferences, there are several things that you need. The first thing on this list is the area where you will be conducting your videoconference. This can include a table, desk, or even sitting on the floor with pillows; it should provide room for screen sharing and allow everyone to see one another easily.

The next thing needed is an electrical outlet that’s conveniently located near this meeting space. Then comes the camera, which needs to be facing the screen (or at least in front of you). To create a more professional atmosphere, it’s recommended to have some sort of backdrop behind your laptop. It can be something as simple as a white poster board or even just hanging up a sheet.

Why is it important to have a good balance between natural light from windows, task lights, and accent lights in your office space or conference room

It’s important to have a good balance between natural light from windows, task lights, and accent lights in your office space or conference room because the colors that you see will depend on which type of light is influencing them.

In order to keep a good balance among natural light, task lights, and accent lighting in your office space or conference room, you need to recognize which color is being influenced over others by the different types of lighting that are present.

Poor lighting during video conference calls can be a thing of the past with some simple light source techniques and planning. Natural lighting and brightness levels of even light directly on the face sets the color temperature tone of video calls.