Treadmill Desk: Does A Walking Desk Help You Lose Weight?

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Working from the home office has seen an understandable rise in popularity over the last year with many employers moving to a work-from-home strategy. Some professionals find working from home reduces daily cardio, which can have consequences for our long-term health.

Many of us lack the space to have a dedicated treadmill walking surface or enough time to go for a brisk walk every few hours when we are working from home. It’s great if there’s an option which allows you to get some exercise while you work.

Working standing desks provide relief from long hours of remaining seated and working, but for people who want to take it a step further, there is also the treadmill desk workstation or the under desk treadmill.

Due to current pandemic restrictions and the increase in home-based working, many people are losing out on their ability to engage in low-impact cardio during workdays.

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Finding the Motivation to Spend Time on Your Projects

One of the treadmill desk’s main goals/benefits is to help people find the motivation to work on their projects after working a long day of physical labor while having the benefit of losing weight.

Top 10 Tips for Motivating Yourself

1. Find a way to quickly energize yourself. There are many ways that you can do this, so find the one that works best for you and make sure you use it when you start to feel demotivated.

2. Make a list of your goals, big and small, and have them ready on your desk or somewhere where they are easily accessible so you can refer to them when you’re feeling demotivated.

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3. Set deadlines for yourself so that no matter what you’re doing, there’s always a deadline looming over your head.

4. Prepare in advance for the things that make you feel motivated so that when those situations arise, they’ll be even more productive than before because they will come with an element of surprise and a feeling of spontaneity.

5. Give your plans to others so that you’re not the only person taking responsibility for the project’s success or failure.

6. Prepare yourself emotionally by writing in a journal about major challenges you have faced in the past along with how you overcame them, then use these examples as inspiration when you feel demotivated.

7. Keep a folder or notebook with you at all times, so when you come up with an idea on the bus, in your office bathroom, wherever, you can write it down and save it for later.

8. Always think about how something negative will affect other people negatively – then use this thought as motivation.

9. Make a list of all the major problems you’ve faced in your life, then remind yourself that you survived each one and will be able to survive the challenges ahead as well (this works especially well if you re-visit these past challenges when you feel demotivated).

10. Set realistic deadlines for yourself – the pressure is your enemy when you’re feeling demotivated.

Health Fitness and Daily Step Count

The treadmill desk is a recent invention that has been proven to be one of the most beneficial inventions in office furniture and design. It’s also super quiet, so it won’t disrupt your train of thought, work calls, or nearby coworkers.

It is also one of the most popular pieces of equipment in gyms due to its positive effects on physical and mental health. A treadmill desk workstation is a simple, yet effective fitness and wellness tool to combat the number of hours clocked up sitting at your desk just by a normal walking speed.

One of the things that I believe has been one of my biggest psychological barriers has been procrastination. I’m sure you’re well aware of just how important this is. It not only affects your personal life, but it also adversely affects your business because it means that you are wasting time.

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The good news is that there are many tactics and tools that can help you overcome this. The treadmill desk is one of them, and if you are looking at it from the point of view that it will help motivate you to work on your projects, then this article is for you.

Best Under Desk Treadmills – Our Top Picks

If you’re trying to add a treadmill desk to your home office desk setup, we found five options that will help you reach your steps goal and get in your daily cardio.

Best Treadmill Desk & Accessories – Our Top Picks

Both a desk and treadmill combined and designed specifically to help promote a healthy office environment. A treadmill desk is a perfect workout equipment piece for your office setting.

What to Look for in a Treadmill Desk

A treadmill desk can help you get the blood flowing and can also be used to motivate you to work on your projects. You should think about what you want from your new walking treadmill before buying one.

  1. You should also consider the space that you have to place the walking treadmills in. Some of them are large, so you have to make sure that they fit easily in the room.
  2. You should also consider your ability level before buying a standing desk treadmill or an under-desk treadmill. Some of them can be very difficult for a beginner to use correctly. There are lots of different kinds out there, and it will pay to do some research before choosing one for yourself.
  3. The price is also a very important consideration. You want your treadmill desk to be cost-effective, so you will need to do your homework before deciding which one you want to buy.
  4. You should consider how easy it is to use. If the instructions control console is too difficult to understand, then you may not want it for yourself. Some of them can be very complicated and may not fit into your daily routine.
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Do Treadmill Desks Really Work

Treadmill desks are one of the newest inventions to come out in recent years. It has been proven to be one of the most beneficial inventions in office furniture and design. There have been many studies that have shown it to have a positive impact on physical and mental health.

There is no doubt that these are invaluable, but there are also questions about their effectiveness.

Based on my personal experience, I can tell you that they do really work and if you use them daily, you will find the motivation to create your own projects after working a long day of physical labor.

Can You Lose Weight With A Treadmill Desk?

Another question that a lot of people ask is if they can lose weight with a treadmill desk. The studies done on that have been inconclusive, so we don’t know for sure if it will help you lose weight.

I’m sure most people would agree that 30 minutes a day is not enough to promote weight loss, but it could be worth continuing to use the treadmill desk as long as you are also working out at the gym.

Is The Treadmill Desk Bad?

It’s important to note that there are some potential downsides to using a treadmill desk.

Some people may not like the feeling of sitting up so high on a treadmill where they can’t see their feet. This is also a standing desk, so you need to make sure that you are comfortable standing for long periods of time.

After reading this article, I hope you now recognize the benefits of using the treadmill desk and will give it a try!

Are Sitting Treadmills Effective?

I would argue that the benefits of using a sitting treadmill are quite extensive. As we know, sitting for an extended period of time is going to lead to obesity and other long-term health problems.

The beauty of this device is that it will allow you to maintain your posture while also getting the blood flowing.

There are many different types of treadmills available on the market today, so it may be difficult to find one that is affordable and meets your needs. You should think about what you want from your new walking desk before buying one.


In conclusion, there are a lot of benefits to using a treadmill desk.

It will help you find the motivation to work on your projects after working a long day of physical labor. It has also been found in recent studies that it has a positive impact on physical and mental health.

The downsides include that some people may not like the feeling of sitting up so high on a standing desk where they can’t see their feet.

After looking at this article, I hope you will try using the treadmill desk for yourself!